Onside has designed a unique model that makes the project cost effective and sustainable for the school. Our model removes all costs, workload and stress whilst also GUARANTEEING the school revenue over the year. Here is how it works...
• Onside Sports Arenas will develop the schools existing facilities, into a state of the art modern facility at no cost to the school.
• Onside will take care of everything from start to finish, allowing the school to continue with minimal disruption.
• Schools will use the new facility during their school hours at no cost.
• Our team will then operate and manage the facility at night times, weekends and during school holidays.
• Schools will receive a guaranteed set income fee from Onside.
Below is a list of ways that the school would benefit from partnering with Onside:
Improve the overall P.E department in the school, allowing the teachers and pupils to use quality safe facilities all year round.
Increased participation and development in sport.
Generate much needed revenue for the school.
Attract prospective pupils to the school.
Give more exposure to the school for children and parents in the surrounding areas.
Improve the community physical and mental wellbeing
Reduce anti-social behaviour in the local community - reduce vandalism within the community, by providing valued facilities
Improve inclusivity in sport.
Increase opportunities for students and sports leaders to work and gain experience in the sporting industry, with apprenticeship schemes and work experience through Onside Sports Arenas
Stronger social networks between schools and their communities.
Become a partner of Onside. We care about schools and sports participation and will drive this in any of our partnered schools.
Below is a list of the benefits to the community if the facilities were developed and leased out.
It will provide new sporting facilities in the community to be used by numerous clubs, individuals and organisations, at affordable prices.
Create a sporting hub for the local community, to help increase participation and opportunities to all sexes, cultures and backgrounds.
Allow sport participation all year round, helping mental health and overall physical wellbeing.
Improve inclusivity in the communities by bringing people from different backgrounds together.
Help reduce anti social behaviour – free schemes to get children active and off the streets at night times could be run from the facilities.
Increase numbers coming into the area which will benefit the local economy.
Increase job opportunities for local citizens.